Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Flame on My Shoulder: the Dream in My Heart

I was at a loss. No plans for the coming year? Unheard of for me. What will be the next challenge? Didn't have an answer. The flame had not lit upon my shoulder. There was nothing left but to be still, pray, and wait for direction. All kinds of options were entertained. Quitting endurance sports altogether was on the table. Maybe, age and circumstances should be considered? Maybe I should become a person who does regular things for someone my age? Perhaps, I should invest my time and life force into some good cause and organizations, and not drain myself down this year with this training thing?

Then I remembered that time my grand daughter was on my lap and I had a triathlon race shirt on. She pointed to the figures on the shirt that were swimming, biking, and running and said, "that's you Poppy."

Yes, that's me, indelibly me. The wisdom of a child brought me to realize that planning for the year was essentially: who do I want to be? Who I want to be will determine what I wish to do.

Ultimately, I want to be an ironman, and I want to continue this journey toward it. When I get to the point of absolutely can't, there will be plenty of of time to do regular things and be "normal." From those thoughts, evolved the plans for 2011. Ultimately I want my grand daughter to see my photo finish at an ironman distance event and say, "That's you Poppy." Yes, God willing, that will be me.

For 2011:
CB & I Triathlon http://www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/index.aspx?NID=306

Buffalo Spring Half Ironman June 26th. http://www.buffalospringslaketriathlon.com/bslt.php#

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh it will be you Marv. I just knw it will be. My parents did the Buffalo Springs race in 2007. They both qualified for that years Ironman World Championship in Kona. I know that you can do it as well.

God bless you Marv.