Saturday, January 22, 2011

Being the Turtle Man

"You're the turtle man!" the runner at the post-race activities said.
The man introduced himself and began to tell a story of another 10k race several years ago, in which he had been trying catch me for quite a while. We had come upon a turtle right in the middle of the racecourse. Halfway across the road the turtle had retreated inside its shell while runners sidestepped or jumped the hapless turtle. The man went on to tell that I stopped, picked up the turtle, and put it on the side of the road. He seemed so impressed that I would stop my race to remove that turtle-and possible road hazard-from the racecourse. 

It was a surprise to me that he had remembered all that. At the time, I guess I supposed thought everyone was totally into their own race and had paid no attention. I was wrong.

This incident brings to mind something more.  It vividly reminded me that we are witnesses in all we do whether we realize it or not. We are ambassadors for what we profess, what we hold dear, and for Who, and what we stand for. We may be the only Christian witness some ever see and take note of.  

And if they know we are professing Christians, folks will be watching us; without us realizing it.  Folks are following us-to see what we do with the turtles on our course.  May we be found faithful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Turtle Man