Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"----Still Behind Him Pushing As Hard as I Can"

My brother-in-law was appreciative of my running the half ironman distance event for him. In fact, he seemed to be inspired by it at the time. But cancer can wear one down, and I could only hope that some part of that inspiration would remain in him to help carry him through this ordeal.

Now, he is deep into his race, the battle is raging as he endures chemo and radiation regularly. His weight is falling off terribly. His voice is weak and he can't talk long or often on the phone.

My wife talked to to him a couple nights ago for a few moments and in that weak voice he said, "Tell Marvin I am still behind him, pushing as hard as I can." It makes me get misty just thinking about it. At the same time...he is providing inspiration to me to continue on myself. How can I slack up or back off, with that man saying, "I'm still behind him, pushing as hard as I can"?

I would suppose the completion of such events makes a statement, serves as a witness for persistence, endurance, willingness to tolerate pain for a finish, and an indomitable will. And, a deeper appreciation and realization of that witness, will get me out of the house to try to deserve to have someone still behind me, pushing as hard as they can.

Wherefore seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Heb 12:1

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