Sunday, September 1, 2024

Facing the Bike Wreck Fear.

 Two years ago today, I had the worst bike wreck of my life.  No, I didn't seek medical attention but I surmised I had a broken rib, a severely sprained wrist, a torn shoulder, and fell badly on my already bad knee.  Sleeping was sporadic and hard to come by due to the various points of pain. Getting out of bed was a gut check of pain endurance. I stayed in a recliner for the first few nights.  

Much has happened since then.  I have not yet got back to regular road riding.  There is still a residual fear when I get on the road bike. I know the best way to put this fear to bed is to face it and ride more on the road.  But knowing and doing are two separate entities. 

God, in His Word, says, "Fear not" a bunch of times.  I am beginning to think that facing that fear might just be an act of faith, or an act of obedience or both. So self:

"Live boldly. Take risks. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Trust in God’s plan. Have the courage to be happy."


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