Monday, December 18, 2023

I Will Praise Him Even in the Storm - Ironman Waco 70.3 2024


Here I go off onto the water of training for an event.  From the photo you can see I don't have a rudder, and I don't have an oar.  I am pointing to the source of my power upon this water. There will be storms and there will be waves.  My boat will take on water, and I will grow weary from weathering the storms.  
There is no other place I would rather be than trusting God past my own limits; to see Him work miracles within me where before I could see only commonplace ho-hum purposeless existence.  There is a certain peace with all this, a confident calm not with myself but within the sheltering arms of my God.  

If I don't live long enough to make the starting line, I will praise God that I had this moment to point to the sky with my life and surrender all to Him.  If I make it to the starting line, I will praise God for letting me get to know that feeling of gratitude and accomplishment.

Whatever happens on the way to Ironman 70.3 Waco October 6th 
I will praise Him

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