Thursday, June 1, 2023

It Hurts

 Embracing pain and the feeling is let  go.  Let the pain control you and your life.  It's Ok.  Everyone has to do that at one time or the other.  Sooner or later it happens.  In life sometimes,  every step a sharp, painful reminder that it  is just your turn to hurt and you are done for anything remotely approaching the activity level of your former life.  It's all over for you.  Time to just find a place to sit down and relieve the pain.  Can I do that?    

I  could have a knee replacement, I guess.  But with a knee replacement I wouldn't be able to run anymore.   I am not really running anymore anyway.  How can I call myself doing anything now remotely approaching what one would call running?

Running used to be my go-to sport.  The easy gait for miles and miles was a wonderful experience.  Now running is quite a painful experience; a regular painfest, sort of a test to see how much pain you can take for how long.  Running is a dreaded pursuit.  It hurts. 

But it hurts to give up on this old friend even though this old friend seems to have turned against me and our relationship isn't the best right now. I want so bad to hold on to running, but it hurts. 

And this has been prayed over many times and all I hear is the wind and all I know is that it hurts.  So maybe that is my answer; not great words or  parting of the sea or anything like that.  Maybe my  answer is that nagging, stabbing pain which may be saying move on.  If that is answer from God, that will hurt too.

And, then again, the unanswered prayer may mean:  suck it up, take another step, do it.  I hurts.

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