Sunday, March 13, 2022

Week # 24 - Training for Ironman Texas 2022

 Week 24 won't start until tomorrow morning but thought I would get this in.  It went well this week. Got in a really good indoor bike ride of 82 miles - 5 hours in the saddle.  Indoors, that is no small task.  But, don't think  though I am bragging except on God.  I am just so grateful.  This was an answered prayer and it brings me joy, if only for no.  So,  I am going on farther  into the Ironman abyss.  For now, I dare to dare.  

My world seems to be taking on that hue I remember from other efforts, when you can't think about much else but what, when, and how for the training.  The world gets like a darkened tunnel you are in.  Your become more resolute as if it may have been decided already that you are ready to pay the price.  If I have learned anything in almost eight decades on this earth it is that most things of lasting value require sacrifice.  

And too, the training focus puts so many things in the shadows in the light of importance.  And really, maybe these things weren't really that important or urgent to begin with and it takes a focused ironman effort to reveal what is truly important and real. 

So for now, as I sit here all rum-dum and worn out physically and mentally in front of this computer, I want to go on with this and do week #24.  May God continue to bless this old frame on his journey.


A DAY UNLIKE ANY OTHER DAY by Marvin Dittfurth (

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