Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Week 23 - Training for Ironman Texas 2022 - Finally Caving to "too old"

 Had a smashing indoor bike ride last night but when I got off I could barely walk.  Both calves were terribly sore and there was pain up and down both legs with every foot plant.  My left leg has been hurting at night but I am assuming that is because it is my week leg with the trashed knee. 

As bad as the pain was last night and even this morning. It looked like my ironman effort is over.  And, it might be over.  All that remains to be seen.  What is that going to do to me?  Do I finally cave to the world screaming "too old?"  Maybe so.  Maybe it is time to let this go on by and do other things, still active, still engaged, just not so big of thing as an ironman.  Truth is, I am really seriously considering that. 

But if there's a chance, a really good "just maybe," well maybe I should try to go on. Some of this injury fatigue is perfectly normal for ironman training the last couple of months. But, I will have to talk to God about this either way. 

A DAY UNLIKE ANY OTHER DAY by Marvin Dittfurth (

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