Monday, July 13, 2020

The Venues May Be Different But the Race is Still the Same

Exactly a month since my last blog entry.  It is sort of like a winding down to nothing; a road seemingly to nowhere. The Corona Virus has all of us by the throat and it is getting worse.  The heat obviously has no effect on it as some had hoped. Event after event gets cancelled.  Nothing remains safe to look forward to, but yet, we must go on.  The heat and humidity here are oppressive which makes isolation and apathy that much easier to bear.   I would have  hoped for something more vigorous in the last years of my life.

It has given me time to work on my stories and my books I want to publish before I depart.  One book is entitled, Bends in the River depicting  early adventures along a large river and and those influences upon my life embracing nature in all its beauty and power.   One other book is called, A Day Unlike Any Other Day, which follows my triathlon and ironman attempting career to that final day of ultimate testing.  These are complete except for the editing and book design.

I will probably do hard copy and electronic publishing.  What seems interesting to me at least is the vast distances in those two subjects.  Digging deeper it might be said that there aren't that many differences at all.  The venues may different but the race is still the same for the participant.
So, it seems I have dramatically changed but in essence, remained the same.  I hope that makes sense as I hope these books do.  At this stage of life as I embrace the nearness of my  eternal future  in the presence of an uncertain,  foreboding future, on this earth, I feel closer to myself and to God in writing and editing them.    If for no other reason experiencing this peace within the storm  is all worth it.  It has been worth it all along.

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