Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Go On

There is just no end to the ups and downs in this training business. Keeping training on track and keeping life on track simultaneously can be a real tightrope walk. And, what of the times like today when the want to is hiding out in the woods here somewhere, and my body seems like it has been in an auto accident? Lots has been going on, not the least of which is three deaths of friends and loved ones and a hurricane here in the last few weeks. Disaster seems everywhere and my body feels like a disaster as well. And, my heart just cant' get into much but mourning.

A doe whitetail deer just walked out of the woods and a bouncy fawn followed her. Squirrels are chasing each other in these trees. It is the first cool front. Animals are feeling it. The world is still alive. All those I've lost would tell me to go on, be like the bouncy fawn and the chasing squirrels, go on while the first air of fall is in the air; go on while the spirit to bounce and chase is within you; go on and embrace the life God gave. Go on: for them, who have suffered; for them who have lost; go on, not in mourning but in celebration and thankfulness. God is still good. Go on!

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