Saturday, September 7, 2013

Again Trusting

It seems I have been injured all year. Looking back over my log and journal, there aren't many painless days. This blog spikes with one resolution to continue after another. Sometimes, I really wonder. Sometimes, I fade in my faith. But, all times thus far, I have pulled up, found the faith, the trust to continue. It has been worth it. Even the bad workout have been good. Even the pain and disappointment have become an endurance effort of their own, like a big hill in every workout.

I know not what lies ahead in the fruition of my efforts. Four complete days off from training did absolutely no good at all. Stuff still hurts. Time to just move on into the half-light of my future capabilities...again, today---trusting.

1 comment: said...

That is what some of us do everyday isn't it? Get out of bed, wonder how we will make the next move, but then if we trust the right things it just kinda happens and we are given the push to go on for another day. Thank you Lord!