Monday, November 12, 2012

Ready to Be Offered

Beginnings can be a little scary sometimes. Beginning my ironman training today, carries some worry baggage into this day. Last year I had signed up for this same ironman event and cancelled my quest about a month in. Wife was sick, my mother in the nursing home had some problems. I got a URI. All that, and I just lost heart. Something is especially scary about this new adventure. This year, my mother in the nursing home had a minor operation, my wife has been sick for almost a month. Again, I got a URI in October. And, right in the middle of all that - some of the things that broke my spirit last year - I signed up for Ironman Texas. There seems to be a different resolve, and a no-matter focus this time that can be scary too, and take me unto my own undoing. But, I have prayed and prayed about this, and feel the calling to step out in faith; to go forward into the teeth of all that seems reasonable to fear. So it begins today. When I get up from this computer, I will go outside and run. Who knows where the run, the journey will take me - prayerfully, hopefully, to the finish line. It is out of my hands. I give it all to God. Take me, break me, or let me lift my hands under the banner of the finish line in praise. I am ready to begin: ready to be offered. And when I push beyond myself, when my steps grow weary toward despair, continue to carry me on, that I might finish this race with grateful humility. In Jesus' Name---Amen From Miles of the Journey: This Triathlete's Prayer -;postID=8807813372005395687

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