Thursday, November 21, 2024

Forty Two Year of Running and It's Still There

 It is still there.  This beautiful fall afternoon, crisp and clear, just about dark, I went for a short run.  My runs are more like other people's walks, but it was good enough for me. 

Things flowed.  First time running felt like that in a while.  Sure my bum knee hurt a bit but I felt I was actually running, I was a semblance of myself again.  Maybe it was the great weather, the surroundings, the good day I had.  No matter the reason, I am most grateful that I can still enjoy the place times and life through running.  

And the gratitude is just in time for Thanksgiving.  So tonight I give thanks for today, but I  also give thanks for all my years at this transforming endeavor.  

It was Thanksgiving morning in 1982 that I first tried to run. Oh, I was much younger then but I didn't make a quarter mile.  Tonight I ran several times that far at my advanced age without a lot of effort.  I am grateful for that too.  It's been quite the party.  As the song says, "I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now."  Praise God  for all my running and praise God for all I might do in days to come. Perhaps, the  journey isn't  quite over yet. God hasn't said "quit" yet.

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