Sunday, October 13, 2024

Avoiding Falling on the Conveyor to Nowhere

There seems to be a trend toward sameness, obesity, inactivity, lifestyle maladies, frequent doctor visits, and overmedication.  It scares me.  I see the trend, especially among those my age and I fear falling onto that conveyor belt and losing my life in the process.  It could be so easy to just let go and let life be swept away. 

But I don't think God planned it the way we have distorted it.    Though this sedentarism is the normal way of American life, it is, in my opinion,  not the natural way of life. I don't think God had sedentary plans for our lives. I get the sense that we are to be risk-takers for God at all ages.  

"For whosoever saves his life shall lose it and whosoever loses his life for my sake shall find it."  Matt 16:25

Sunday afternoon and again I can feel the adventurous spirit creeping in and want to haunting me again. Am  I "ready to be offered?"  

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Give the Spirit Room to Breathe

 The day was spent out on the roads doing errands in the city.  This exhausts me more than endurance sports.  All that was left of me  just wanted to  shower and go to bed.   All the exercise I  had done this day  was  my strength and flex session before I left.  A planned indoor ride looked like a dying cause. 

Down deep there is a rebellious streak in me that just hates for the world to have its way with me.  I just have trouble letting the necessary and ordinary take away the  senseless yet extraordinary part of life.  Sometimes what makes no sense at all seems to make the most sense of all.  

I won't ride far, I thought.  Just get a ride in and salvage something from this.  So I did and it wasn't pretty- at first.   I wanted to quit after a mile and even after 10-15 minutes, I wanted that shower.

 That should  be sufficient to call it a ride.  But it wasn't and I just kept on and on until I had hit the hour I had planned on in my schedule. And, I finished really strong, leaving me wondering:  where did that come from? 

I don't have any answers to the end of this but to say:  don't always believe the present way you feel.  Give your spirit the time to stretch and breathe through sweat and determination.  You may just wrest some of the better part of yourself for yourself and give cause to smile.