Thursday, June 23, 2011

Revelation in the Wildfire

The air was filled with a smokey haze. Plumes of smoke were on the horizon. Wildfires were out there. The drought, the intense heat, the strong winds, had already prepared the earth for just such an incident as this. It was blowing our way. First, we were so glad that our family was in a safe place. Then we started to pack for possible evacuation

Amazing what we packed first: Bibles, laptop (containing a lot of pictures and writings), our photo albums, my wife's sewing machine, and my bikes, then came the food, the water, bedding to possibly sleep in the vehicle with. About the time we thought we were prepared, my wife remarked that we had not even included a change of clothes.

The fire never made it to our house, but we had been forced into the revelation of what was truly important.  Without thinking we had taken the Bibles first. Upon reflection, I smiled at that.  I can imagine
God did too.  

When the air quality was good enough, I went for a run. It felt like coming home, and the run was a long prayer in which I thanked God for my family, for yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and for His presence in our lives.

1 comment: said...

Marvin, you are a wonderful guy and I just love reading your thoughts. Thank the Lord you and Pat didn't have to evacuate. It kind of brings home the idea that we need to be ever so thankful for each and every day for there are no tomorrows guaranteed. Only our most Holy Father know the "rest of the story"!